So I'm not usually one to make a new year's resolution because I usually forget them like most people. But this year I plan to challenge myself. In 2013, my resolutions are to;
1. Find Freedom
Through any and all means possible. This year I want to let myself live, to write what makes me feel free and share it with the world. To chase my dreams despite the thoughts of others. I want to be me without the judgement and criticisms of others.
2. Be unafraid of opposition
A lot of the things I've wanted to do or say or write or publish this past year I haven't because of fear of opposition of others. So this year, inline with my cry for freedom, I'm going to go for my dreams by doing what makes me happy.

3. Do what makes me happy despite the demands of others
While I've always squeezed fun stuff for me at the end of the day, this year I'm going to start putting me first. So instead of always doing what is expected or right, I want to do more for of what is best or right for me.

So as a new year approaches, remember both the good and bad thing that have happened in 2012 and decide what you plan to at least try to do to make 2013 ten times better!
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